Dorrie Vaughan and Ernest Oates

Photo Galleries | Updated 1 decade ago

Dorrie Vaughan and Ernest Oates



Fashion Details:
Dress of silk morocain (double crepe silk)and lace with a short train. A spoke stitched and pin-tucked bodice with full sleeves. An embroidered veil and a small lace cap held in place back on the head with a coronet of orange blossom. The bridesmaids' dresses were deep pink silk velvet with headdresses of pink rosebuds to form a halo shape.

The wedding story:
Dorrie and Ern were married in the Albany Methodist Church, which was decorated with arum liles.The Methodist Girls' Club formed a guard of honour between the church and the awaiting car, and had stretched streamers across for the couple to break through as they were showered with confetti and oats. Bridesmaids were Lily Godfrey and Dorothy Muir. The best man was F. Vaughan, groomsman E. Norman

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