Rich Media


Videos are wrapped in the <video>. Also you need to give the <video> a class of class="video-js vjs-default-skin" and an id of id="player1"

<video class="mejs-wam" controls="controls"preload="none" >
	<source src="/sites/default/files/videos/in_the_wild_west_-_2012_harry_butler-540-low.mp4" type="video/mp4" />


A screen shot is added by using the <poster> attribute in the <video> tag.

<video id="player2" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"  controls="controls" preload="none" poster="" >
	<source src="/sites/default/files/videos/in_the_wild_west_-_2012_harry_butler-540-low.mp4" type="video/mp4" />


If a video has a caption track this is added by including a <track>. Also include the <div class="cc-box"> after as a further visual clue for the user.

English language captions are available for the video, please click on "CC" button to turn on this feature.
<video "  id="player3" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"  controls="controls" preload="none" poster="" >
	<source src="/sites/default/files/videos/in_the_wild_west_-_2012_harry_butler-540-low.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
	<track kind="subtitles" id="subtitles" src="/sites/default/files/videos/cc/One Collectors Story by Harry Buter.vtt" srclang="en" />
<div class="cc-box">
	<span>English language captions are available for the video, please click on "CC" button to turn on this feature.</span>




<audio preload="none" src="/sites/default/files/audio/Cri.pse_.mp3"> </audio>