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Biodiversity and biogeography of zooxanthellate corals in Australasia revisited based on new data from the Kimberley

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 18 Mar 2024

species were recorded incidentally off transects. Combining the new museum-accessioned specimen records with recent specimen donations and published historical records from 1893 onwards resulted in an ...

Tortrix australis Gray, 1841, a senior synonym of Demansia reticulata (Gray, 1842) (Elapidae)

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 39 (2024) | Updated 30 Jan 2024

Records 39 — 2024 1 1 Glenn M. Shea 10.18195/issn.0312-3162.39.2024.001-008 ABSTRACT – The long-forgotten snake name Tortrix australis Gray, 1841 is shown to be a senior synonym of Demansia reticulata (Gray, 1842), an elapid species from Western Australia. The holotype, originally lodged in the collection ...

The serpulid polychaete Rotulispira from the Late Cretaceous of Western Australia

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 15 Dec 2023

record of hydroids from the Cretaceous of Australia. Distribution of the hydroids on the serpulid tubes, ...

Current distribution, preferred habitat, behaviour, and biology of the Inland Hairstreak, Jalmenus aridus Graham & Moulds, 1988 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 15 Dec 2023

and biology of J. aridus during two flight seasons. Jalmenus aridus is now recorded from 10 locations ...

New occurrences and a new genus and species of ‘Toothless’ Odontasteridae (Asteroidea) from Australian waters

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 15 Dec 2023

Records 38 — 2023 49 49 Christopher L. Mah 10.18195/issn.0312-3162.38.2023.049-067 ABSTRACT – Odontasteridae (Asteroidea) are important members of Antarctic faunas. Less well-known are odontasterid species present outside of high-latitudes, which occur primarily in the deep-sea. Multiple new odontasterids were ...

Two new species of the bee genus Leioproctus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) that forage from flowers of bloodroot (genus Haemodorum)

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 15 Dec 2023

Records 38 — 2023 35 35 Michael Batley and Terry F. Houston 10.18195/issn.0312-3162.38.2023.035-048 ABSTRACT – Two new species of Leioproctus ( L. aureofimbriatus from eastern New South Wales and L. haemodori from south-western Australia) are described. Both species have been found only when visiting ...

Notes on the identification of Uperoleia Gray, 1841 toadlets from the Darwin region of the Northern Territory, with comments on the ecology, detection, and conservation management of the Vulnerable Howard River Toadlet (U. daviesae)

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 15 Dec 2023

Records 38 — 2023 27 27 Renee A. Catullo, Peter McDonald, Alistair Stewart and Shengyao Lin 10.18195/issn.0312-3162.38.2023.027-034 ABSTRACT – Three species of Uperoleia toadlets occur in the Darwin region, and are difficult to tell apart due to similar size and colouration. Identification has generally relied on differences in ...

A new species of spiny-tailed gecko (Squamata: Diplodactylidae: Strophurus) from the mulga woodlands of inland Western Australia

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 10 May 2023

Records 38 — 2023 11 11 Ross A. Sadlier, Cecilie A. Beatson, Ian Brennan and Aaron M. Bauer 10.18195/issn.0312-3162.38.2023.011-026 ABSTRACT – A new species of spiny-tailed gecko, Strophurus spinula sp. nov., is described from inland areas of southern Western Australia. Among its diagnostic features are a discontinuous mostly ...

Satellite tracking Ghost Bats (Macroderma gigas) in the Pilbara, Western Australia

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 38 (2023) | Updated 14 Mar 2023

recorded. The Pilbara Ghost Bat is confirmed to be foraging across a varied habitat and over distances not ...

Notes on a new method to identify Golden Bandicoot and Northern Brown Bandicoot in the Kimberley region

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Volume 37 (2022) | Updated 14 Dec 2022

Records 37 — 2022 57 57 K.J. Travouillon 10.18195/issn.0312-3162.37.2022.057-060 ABSTRACT – The two species of bandicoots that occur in the Kimberley region are particularly difficult to tell apart as they have no distinctive features other than size. A new method is proposed here to identify the ...


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