Two new species of the genus Pogonus from northern and western Australia (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 8 years ago

ABSTRACT – Two new species of the genus Pogonus Dejean are described: Pogonus dostali from north-western Western Australia north of Great Sandy Desert, and Pogonus dichrous from a salt lake in central Western Australia. The first species is closely related to P. nigrescens Baehr of northern Queensland, the second species probably is next related to P. hypharpagoides Sloane of South Australia and Victoria. Both species are inserted in the most recent key to the Australian species of the genus Pogonus. Additional records of Pogonus nigrescens Baehr from islands off the north coast of Queensland are enumerated. This species was so far known only from two localities in northeastern Queensland.

KEYWORDS: taxonomy, morphology, new records, Pogonus

Author(s) Martin Baehr
Records 25 : Part 4
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