Introduction to the checklists of the vertebrates of Western Australia

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 7 years ago

INTRODUCTION – This publication of the Western Australian Museum presents, for the first time, a comprehensive listing of the vertebrate animals recorded from Western Australia and the surrounding seas. The publication is primarily designed to satisfy a growing demand for an authoritative listing of Western Australian vertebrates for 'official' governmental usage. However, it is also intended to satisfy a wider audience who may require information of various kinds regarding the fauna of the state, including students at all levels, fellow taxonomists and members of the public with a special interest in our uniquely fascinating native vertebrate fauna.

Author(s) K.P. Aplin, N.K. Cooper, R.A. How, J.B. Hutchins, R.E. Johnstone and L.A. Smith
Supplement 63 : Checklists of the vertebrates of Western Australia
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