Flora and vegetation of the southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 7 years ago

ABSTRACT – This paper reports the first detailed study of the vascular flora of the southern Carnarvon Basin, an area of c. 75 000 km2. A total flora of 2133 taxa of vascular plants was listed for the area. There are eight major conservation reserves which have 1559 taxa present in them. Most of the 574 unreserved taxa are wetland taxa, taxa of tropical affinities or those only present on the Acacia shrublands of the central basin. Vegetation patterning at a regional scale showed the major floristic boundary in the south west of the study area, which in turn reflected the major climatic gradients of the area. The other major influence on vegetation patterning was soil type.

Author(s) G.J. Keighery, N. Gibson, M.N. Lyons and Allan H. Burbidge
Supplement 61 : Biodiversity of the southern Carnarvon Basin
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