WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 1 decade ago

Abstract: Museum historians are constantly confronted with a lack of primary research on types of artefacts when determining collection policies and on the artefacts in their social context when mounting exhibitions. Although collections of domestic artefacts abound in museums across Australia little is known about the changes in design and technology, and even less is known about the impact that new technologies had on the lives of women working in the home.

This is a typological study of gas stoves used in metropolitan Pert h between 1900 and 1950. It examines the stoves which were imported and manufactured loeally, and the changes in design and technology. It also assesses the popularity of the various models available.

The study serves two purposes. It allows museums to determine a precise collecting policy. More importantly, it provides the essential ground work for a broader study of the artefact. To fully understand changes in domestIc technology it is necessary to study each of the different types of household technology In detail. This involves studying the history of the companies that manufactured appliances, the history of utility systems that provided fuel and water, and the history of price and income tluctuations.'

Author(s) DELROY, ANN : Part 4
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