Question 1 of 18

The history of Western Australia's minerals stretches back to soon after the formation of the Earth, around 4.5 billion years ago. At Jack Hills, 150 kms north of Cue, grains of zircon are up to 4.4 billion years old, making them the oldest known minerals on the earth. These ancient zircon grains, and other minerals with them, tell us that shallow seas probably existed there at least 4.3 billion years ago. These ancient zircon grains, and other minerals with them, tell us that shallow seas probably existed there at least 4.3 billion years ago. The gold deposits in the region formed around 2.65 billions years ago, deep below the Earth's surface.

The history of Western Australia's minerals stretches back to soon after the formation of the Earth, around 4.5 billion years ago.At Jack Hills, 150 kms north of Cue, grains of zircon are up to 4.4 billion years old, making them the oldest known minerals on the earth.These ancient zircon grains, and other minerals with them, tell us that shallow seas probably existed there at least 4.3 billion years ago.The gold deposits in the region formed around 2.65 billions years ago, deep below the Earth's surface.

Minerals at Jack Hills tell us the earth is:


At least 4.4 billion years old

Very salty

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