Tue 11 Nov 2014


Museum of the Goldfields

A group of soldiers marching through Perth in World War One

Presented by Graham McKenzie-Smith

Part of the WA Museum’s 2014 In the Wild West Lecture Series.

Many miners from the Goldfields joined the Tunnelling Companies of the Australian Imperial Force and their underground war is often overlooked in the accounts of the fighting in France and Belgium.  

Graham McKenzie-Smith has recently finished 'Sappers in the West', a history of Army Engineers in WA since 1850.  Join Graham on Remembrance Day as he outlines that war and the role played by some boys from the Goldfields.  Copies of 'Sappers in the West’ will be available for sale.

COST: Gold coin donation
BOOKINGS: Essential on 1300 134 081 or using the link below.

Online Booking

A group of soldiers marching through Perth in World War One

6 Tunnelling Company marching through Perth to board their ship, June 1916

Image courtesy Royal Australian Engineers Association Archive

Getting Here


17 Hannan Street,
Western Australia,

(08) 9021 8533


By Bus
The Museum is located accessible with all three of the city's bus routes, visit the PTA website for timetables.

By Car
Parking is available onsite.