
  • 7 Nov 2018

    Museum pays tribute to the fallen with 10,000 hand-crafted cascading poppies

    More than 10,000 hand-crocheted poppies will cascade 20 meters down from the Museum of the Goldfields’ Ivanhoe headframe to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One, and the world’s hope for a peaceful future.

    The Museum of the Goldfields will host the official dedication of the commemorative installation Poppies for Peace on Sunday 11 November from 9am to 10am. The ceremony will conclude with those who attend being asked to contribute to the installation by placing poppies in the grassed area surrounding the headframe.

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    Hillary Henry

  • 24 Oct 2018

    Albany student exhibition inspired by Artists of the World

    Imaginative sculptures, paintings and pop art inspired by some of the best known artists in the world, and created by local primary school students, are going on display at the Museum of the Great Southern from tomorrow, Thursday 25 October.

    Spencer Park Primary School’s biennial art exhibition showcases artwork from more than 300 students, including from the Spencer Park Education Support Centre. The theme for the exhibition is Artists of the World, with students’ work inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol and a host of other world-renowned artists.

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    Hillary Henry

  • 13 Aug 2018

    Remarkable images of nature on show at WA Shipwrecks Museum in Fremantle


    The 2017 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year collection is now on display at the WA Shipwrecks Museum in Cliff St, Fremantle, until Sunday 26 August.

    It includes a visually striking image of a crowd of spider crabs (Leptomithrax gaimardii) and a predatory Maori octopus (Octopus maorum), which is the overall winner of the annual competition run by the South Australian Museum.

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    Hillary Henry

  • 6 Aug 2018

    Celebrate National Science Week with the WA Museum

    Metropolitan Sites

    The Western Australian Museum is ready to celebrate National Science Week this year with fun, hands-on and educational activities throughout the metropolitan area.

    There will be something for everyone with fascinating activities ranging from the world of maritime archaeology, virtual realities, marine art, becoming a citizen scientist, and behind-the-scenes tours.


    Cliff Street, Fremantle


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    Hillary Henry

  • 2 Aug 2018

    Exhibition celebrates Western Australia’s majestic coastline

    Photographs showcasing the beauty of the Western Australian coast will be on display at the Museum of the Great Southern from Monday 6 August.

    Our WA Coastline features images taken by Western Australian Photographic Federation camera club members.

    The museum’s Acting Regional Manager, Catherine Salmaggi, said the exhibition showcases images reflecting the diversity of the majestic Western Australian coastline and how we can positively interact with it.

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    Hillary Henry

  • Four rare fossil teeth, probably ranging in size from newborn to adult animals, from the previously undiscovered shark, Squalicorax mutabilis

    20 Jul 2018

    WA Museum team discovers three new species of sharks that thrived in the age of dinosaurs

    Western Australian Museum researchers have discovered fossilised teeth from three previously unknown shark species, one of which apparently thrived in WA more than 90 million years ago during an extreme global warming event.

    The teeth were found in ancient rocks of marine origin, which today are exposed more than 100 metres above sea level in the lower Murchison River area.

    The finds were made by a WA Museum team led by renowned fossil shark expert Dr Mikael Siversson, the Head of the Museum’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

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    Flora Perrella

  • 10 May 2018

    International Museum Day - Hyperconnected Museums

    We may be biased, but we think museums play a pretty important role within our communities—and we are not alone.

    Every year the worldwide network of museums come together to spread awareness on how museums share knowledge and promote understanding through our communities.

    This year’s theme is Hyperconnected Museums: New Approaches, New Publics. Our objects, stories, and research have always helped people connect with themselves and others. Now with advancements in digital technology we are able to create even more of these connections.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • "The bottle is half submerged in sand in the foreground, with crashing waves in the background."

    6 Mar 2018

    132 year old message in a bottle found on WA beach


    The world’s oldest known message in a bottle has been found half-buried at a West Australian beach nearly 132 years after it was tossed overboard in the Indian Ocean, 950km from the coast.

    Until now, the previous world record for the oldest message in a bottle was 108 years, four months and 18 days between jettison and discovery.

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    Mara Pritchard

  • Artwork showing what the extinct Butterfly Bandicoot would have looked like.

    19 Feb 2018

    New research tracks evolution of bilbies and bandicoots, new species discovered

    New research has provided a breakthrough in the problematic identification of species of bandicoots and bilbies, resulting in the reassessment and subsequent reclassification of one subspecies and the identification of a new, extinct species.

    Dr Kenny Travouillon, Curator of Mammalogy at the Western Australian Museum and lead researcher in this study said the findings are significant, and open the door to describing further species within this order of marsupial mammals endemic to Australia, New Guinea and surrounding islands.

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    Mara Pritchard

  • "10 hands are cut out from coloured paper with apologies written on them. They are stuck around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags."

    13 Feb 2018

    National Apology to the Stolen Generations

    On 13 February 2008, then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology on behalf of the Australian Parliament to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In particular to the Stolen Generations.

    The journey to a national apology began with the Bringing them Home report with recommendation 5a of the report stating,

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    Western Australian Museum

  • "A group in the middle of a discussion. They are sat at a table covered by paper and pens."

    20 Dec 2017

    We want to hear from you

    The WA Museum is for everyone. This includes the 16% of Western Australians who identify as having a disability of some form (ABS, 2012).

    In 2007 we developed our first Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP), and have continually worked to improve and implement it across our organisation.

    As part of our disability services consultation we want to hear your feedback.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • Pelagic Plastic III

    13 Nov 2017

    Exhibition highlights build-up of plastic pollution on beaches and in oceans

    A thought-provoking exhibition about the build-up of small scale plastic rubbish on Western Australia’s beaches and the wider issue of waste on the world’s oceans opens at the Museum of Geraldton this week.

    On the Beach by artist Tim Pearn, documents a year in which Pearn collected more than 1,600 pieces of washed-up plastic while on his regular walks along just one beach in the State’s south.

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    Flora Perrella

  • "Two boys looking in awe at a ferocious dinosaur."

    27 Sep 2017

    Giant dinosaurs roar into Perth

    Western Australians are getting up close and personal with some of the giants of the Cretaceous period at the WA Museum's new Dinosaur Discovery: Lost Creatures of the Cretaceous exhibition.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • "A close up image of the new spider. It is very big and is sitting on red dirt."

    15 Sep 2017

    What do Trapdoor Spiders, Cocktails and Dinosaurs have in Common?

    All will combine to create a wild cultural experience of fun and philanthropy at The Lost World: Night at the Museum. Guests of the Foundation for the WA Museum will have the chance to name a new WA species of the Trapdoor spider genus, Idiosoma, found in a small region of the northern Wheatbelt of WA, for a price!

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    Foundation for the WA Museum

  • "Christine and Ian standing in front of a bookcase. He is holding his certificate of appreciation."

    11 Sep 2017

    Congratulations Ian Mettam!

    We would like to congratulate one of our library volunteers Ian Mettam.

    Ian has been volunteering at the library every Wednesday for the last 12 years, tirelessly transcribing old catalogue cards for the digital Reprint Collection. This extensive project has taken 10 years to complete.

    In recognition of his hard work, the Museum’s librarian, Bobbie Bruce, recently had the pleasure of presenting Ian a Certificate of Appreciation.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • "A close up colour portrait shot of Jaimee Cockie."

    5 Sep 2017

    Follow the Dream: Work Experience with the WA Museum

    17 year old Jaimee Cockie spent a week with the Western Australian Museum on work experience.

    Jaimee is from Hamilton Hill Senior High School and will graduate at the end of 2017. After three months volunteering in Fiji next year, she will be attending Murdoch University. This placement was set up through her Follow the Dream coordinator and careers teacher at school.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • Sea of hands created for National Sorry Day

    25 May 2017

    National Sorry Day 2017

    This year’s National Sorry Day on the 26th May 2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the handing down of the Bringing Them Home Report, which was a report of the National Inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their families.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • Curtin IS alumni tour group, with Bobbie Bruce centre

    22 May 2017

    Curtin University Information Studies Alumni event

    The Curtin University Information Studies Alumni visited the Western Australian Museum Library and Rare Book collection on Thursday 4 May 2017.

    The event was organised by the Alumni Association so that the Museum’s Rare Book collection could be showcased to members of the Alumni.

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    Western Australian Museum