We want to hear from you

Article | Updated 7 years ago

"A group in the middle of a discussion. They are sat at a table covered by paper and pens."
Caption: We want to hear from you.
Image copyright WA Museum

The WA Museum is for everyone. This includes the 16% of Western Australians who identify as having a disability of some form (ABS, 2012).

In 2007 we developed our first Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP), and have continually worked to improve and implement it across our organisation.

As part of our disability services consultation we want to hear your feedback.

You can now find the draft version of our 2018 - 2022 DAIP where it is open for discussion before it is finalised.

Until the end of January you can also access a DAIP questionnaire to provide us with further feedback.

DAIP Consultation Questionnaire

If you need any help, please contact our Customer Relations Team on 1300 134 081.

To learn more about our current strategies and outcomes, visit the web text version of our 2013 - 2017 DAIP.