Curtin University Information Studies Alumni event

Article | Updated 7 years ago

Curtin IS alumni tour group, with Bobbie Bruce centre
Curtin IS alumni tour group, with Bobbie Bruce centre
WA Museum

The Curtin University Information Studies Alumni visited the Western Australian Museum Library and Rare Book collection on Thursday 4 May 2017.

The event was organised by the Alumni Association so that the Museum’s Rare Book collection could be showcased to members of the Alumni.

Included in the tour group were several well-known figures in the Information profession in Western Australia Peter Green, Associate University Librarian at Murdoch University and Anthea Harris, Local Studies Librarian at Nedlands Library. Other members of the group included Jenny Downing, Belinda Eisenhauer, Robyn Schofield, Linda Pleass, Cecilia Hiscock and Susanna Tindall.

Curtin IS alumni tour group, with Bobbie Bruce centre

Curtin IS alumni tour group, with Bobbie Bruce centre
Image copyright WA Museum 

The WA Museum Librarian, Bobbie Bruce displayed for the group Rare Books such as William Dampier’s 1729 Collection of voyages in four volumes, George Eberhard Rumpf’s 1705 D’Ambonische rariteikamer and John Gould’s 1865, Handbook to the Birds of Australia.

These works are used by Museum staff in the course of scientific and cultural research.

William Dampier’s 1729 Collection of voyages in four volumes

William Dampier’s 1729 Collection of voyages in four volumes
Image copyright WA Museum 

George Eberhard Rumpf’s 1705 D’Ambonische rariteikamer

George Eberhard Rumpf’s 1705 D’Ambonische rariteikamer
Image copyright WA Museum 

George Eberhard Rumpf’s 1705 D’Ambonische rariteikamer

George Eberhard Rumpf’s 1705 D’Ambonische rariteikamer
Image copyright WA Museum