Specific Collection Types


Textiles require specific care. Photo by Jessica Needle.

Textiles require specific care. Photo by Jessica Needle.
Image copyright WA Museum 

Archives - refer Museums Australia, Museum Methods: A Practical Manual for Managing Small Museums, section 3.10 'Managing Museum Archives'

Art - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 1, p109

Audio - refer National Film & Sound Archive, Caring for Audio

Film - refer National Film & Sound Archive, Caring for Film

Firearms - refer WA Museum 'Conservation and Care of Collections' (Gilroy & Godfrey eds) pp 149-150

Glass and Ceramics etc – WA Museum 'Conservation and Care of Collections' (Gilroy & Godfrey eds) pp 87-101

Image Collection ( Photographs) - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 1, pp 67-107

Indigenous/Aboriginal/ethnographic - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 2, pp 59-80

Leather - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 2, pp 29-46; WA Museum 'Conservation and Care of Collections' (Gilroy & Godfrey eds) pp 23-32

Metals - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 2, pp 81-111

Military - reference texts available through Australian War Memorial

Oral History - informative publications available through Oral History Australia

Outdoor Collections - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 2, pp 113-135

Paper and books –refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 1 pp 1-66

Photographs - refer National Film & Sound Archive, Caring for Photographs

Rubber and Plastics - WA Museum 'Conservation and Care of Collections' (Gilroy & Godfrey eds) pp 127-130

Textiles and Costume - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 2, pp 1-27

Time Capsules - WA Museum 'Conservation and Care of Collections' (Gilroy & Godfrey eds) pp 156-158

Video - refer National Film & Sound Archive, Caring for Video

Wood - refer reCollections, Caring for Cultural Material 2, pp 47