Visions of a post-mining Australia

What will the future bring?

Wed 1 Mar 2017


Museum of the Great Southern

Caterpillar Haulpak on minesite.

Join us for an evening with Lindsay Fitzclarence, Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University and Keith Bradby, CEO of Gondwana Link.

In July - August 2015, Lindsay Fitzclarence visited a number of mine sites across the south west of WA, SA and NSW with the aim to identify common large scale trends. Lindsay talked to countless numbers of people, participated in mine tours, stayed in a Fly-in-Fly out hostel, visited local libraries and took over 1500 photographs. This presentation is a trimmed down version of his odyssey, designed to question, probe and seek a better understanding of how mining is changing and might be changed. It additionally focuses on the impact of mining on local communities, including Indigenous populations.

Keith Bradby grew up in Ballarat, Australia’s first large mining town. As CEO of Gondwana Link he works with communities in WA’s Goldfields, and recently visited Solwezi, a mining boom town in the Copperbelt region of Zambia. Consequently, he has valuable insights on the past, present and future of mining communities.

Further Information:

Cost: $5.00
Bookings: 9841 4844 or

Words and images by Lindsay Fitzclarence, followed by a panel discussion featuring Keith Bradby.

Bookings are recommended as numbers are limited.

Refreshments and drinks provided.

Caterpillar Haulpak on minesite.

Image courtesy Lindsay Fitzclarence