Watch this Space

Summer School Holidays

Sat 5 Jan 2019Sun 27 Jan 2019


Discovery Zone

Summer School Holidays

5 January – 27 January 2019

These school holidays Watch this Space!

Get ready for a range of space-related activities, from meteorites to constellations. Have you ever wondered what a falling star is? How planets are formed? Join us and find out!

Age: All ages
Cost: Free

Make Your Own Constellation

Learn about constellations by making your own. Your special creations will glow in the dark, so you’ll be able to see it every night and show it to your family and friends.

Everyday 10am - 2pm

Stories in the Sky

Aboriginal people are considered the oldest astronomers in the world, their knowledge providing very important clues to our ancient past. Join us to find out about these amazing stories from the sky.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am

How are Planets Formed?

Planets are made of rock, gases, water...and plasticine? Have fun in this brains-on, hands-on activity that will teach you about our solar system from a very entertaining perspective.

Throughout the day (times vary).

Creating Craters

What shape is a meteorite? How big a hole does it make? How could one meteorite wipe out all the dinosaurs? Work with us to learn lots of meteor-facts–you’ll even get to touch a real meteorite from Mars!

Throughout the day (times vary).

Caption: Learn about the wonders of space at the Discovery Zone!

Credit: WA Museum