Meet the Black Wish-Bone Spider

Article | Updated 7 years ago

Image of a Black Wish-bone Spider
Black Wish-bone Spider
Julianne Waldock

This arachnid, the Black Wish-Bone Spider, is a terrestrial invertebrate. This is a technical way of saying this spider is an animal that lives on land, and has no backbone!

Image of a Black Wish-bone Spider

Black Wish-bone Spider
Image copyright Julianne Waldock  

A Painful Bite

You’ll be happy to discover that this spider does not have a life-threatening bite, however it will still hurt! A welt may develop on the affected area, and some people have mild systemic reactions. 


So, it’s best to stay away from these spiders! They can grow up to 5cm in length, and have a tan coloured abdomen. The head and carapace of this spider is shiny black, and watch out! These little creatures aren’t afraid to rear up on their dark-coloured legs to show you their fangs. 


To find this spider, you can look in a variety of likely places from the west coast of WA to the Flinders Ranges in SA, in habitats such as open sclerophyllous woodlands and barren limestone country. 


This spider is carnivorous, catching its preferred prey of insects using a well-hidden burrow and a carefully constructed silken sock. There are usually two entrances to a Black Wish-Bone Spider’s burrow, the second of which is usually not easy to find, and acts as a kind of back door. Passing insects have to be very lucky to escape the fangs of this clever spider!


Learn more about the Black Wish-Bone Spider here