Buildings: Buildings that are no longer around

Buildings that are gone now

pool area of 1960s holiday lodge shows holiday makers relaxing by the pool - 1
The Narcape Lodge was eventually demolished.
Image courtesy of Maggie Bright
Some buildings have been demolished.
The senior citizens centre was knocked down because it was old. We now have the new Ningaloo Centre.
Kailis is Exmouth's prawn catching business. They donated the prawn statue.The prawn is a very popular spot for selfies. 
Image of the giant prawn in Exmouth.
The giant prawn
Image copyright WA Museum 
Horce racing was a very popular sport.When horse racing became more professional it was very expensive for small towns to compete any more. Cyclone Vance did a lot of damage to the horse track and has now been replaced with the marina.
Horses racing at the old Exmouth race track
Exmouth Race Track
Image courtesy of Amanda Francis-Maher