What's New

  • Artisan’s recreation of Leonardo da Vinci’s Air screw

    26 Nov 2014

    Da Vinci Machines at WA Museum – Albany

    Experience Leonardo da Vinci’s genius first-hand when da Vinci Machines opens at the Western Australian Museum – Albany this Saturday 29 November.

    This exciting exhibition features 60 of his visionary inventions in the areas of flying machines, nautical innovations, and machines of war, alongside 15 beautifully crafted replicas of famous da Vinci artworks.

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    Sharna Craig

  • Crown dismantles into six separate sections

    13 Nov 2014

    Hidden Treasures exhibition extended at the WA Museum

    The Western Australian Museum is delighted to announce it is extending its season of the stunning exhibition Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul until 18 January 2015.

    This beautiful exhibition of treasures once thought lost to the world contains more than 200 rare and beautiful objects dating back to the Bronze Age, from a place that was once at the crossroads of the world’s great civilisations.

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    Sharna Craig

  • Breakaway Caves at Weld Range

    11 Nov 2014

    Building a web of knowledge about Weld Range

    An update of research findings from the Weld Range in Wajarri Yamatji country will be presented at a public lecture next week at the Western Australian Museum – Geraldton.

    Weld Range, near Cue in the Murchison region, is highly significant for the Wajarri Yamatji Traditional Owners.

    It is home to the nationally heritage listed Wilgie Mia Aboriginal Ochre Mine, mined by Aboriginal people for thousands of years.

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    Sharna Craig

  • Military historian Graham McKenzie-Smith at the London Imperial War Museum where he has been researching the underground battles of WWI.

    10 Nov 2014

    The Goldfields commemorates Remembrance Day

    Learn about the role young men from the Goldfields played in World War One tomorrow when military historian Graham McKenzie-Smith presents Goldfields Tunnellers and Sappers in World War One as part of the Western Australian Museum’s In the Wild West lecture series.

    The Remembrance Day presentation details how many miners from the Goldfields joined the Tunnelling Companies of the Australian Imperial Force during World War One.

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    Sharna Craig

  • Australian men enrolling into World War

    7 Nov 2014

    Last Gentlemen of War: a story of decency, honour and humour

    The Western Australian Maritime Museum today opened its doors to a compelling exhibition on the Battle of the Cocos, Australia’s successful first naval engagement in World War One which took place 100 years ago this weekend, on 9 November, 1914.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • Screenshot from the From Ground to Port mining game

    15 Oct 2014

    Explore the rich history of Mid West mining online

    The Western Australian Museum – Geraldton this week launched two interactive online activities allowing primary-aged students to explore the rich history of Mid West mining in a novel and fun way.

    The two activities were developed thanks to a Your Community Heritage grant awarded to the WA Museum in 2012 from the Australian Government.

    In the Miner to Magnate quiz children answer a series of questions on a range of different Mid West minerals from guano to gold, learning fun facts through entertaining infographics.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • image of a Bicycle created from da Vinci's Codice

    3 Oct 2014

    Da Vinci Machines exhibition extended

    The Western Australian Museum – Geraldton today announced a three week extension to its internationally acclaimed Da Vinci Machines exhibition, until Sunday 9 November.

    Since the exhibition opened in July more than 8,000 people have explored and interacted with this amazing exhibition.

    Regional Manager of the WA Museum – Geraldton Leigh O’Brien said the exhibition had been extremely popular, with many visitors astounded at the breadth of Leonardo da Vinci’s extraordinary talent.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • image of giant clam

    3 Oct 2014

    Final research expedition to include Rowley Shoals

    The Western Australian Museum will lead a team of researchers to the Kimberley this week in the sixth and final expedition of an award-winning research project into the region’s unique marine life.

    The 17-day survey from 30 September – 16 October includes 16 researchers from the WA Museum, Queensland Museum, the Australian Museum, Museum Victoria, the Herbarium of WA and Curtin University.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • an image of one of the postcards from Lida's admirer Jack Bonney

    3 Oct 2014

    One Hundred Postcards from the front line

    An extraordinary collection of postcards sent to a Boulder woman from men serving on the front line of World War One will go on display at the Western Australian Museum – Albany from Saturday 27 September.

    More than one hundred postcards were sent from six young soldiers serving in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) to home-nurse Eliza ‘Lida’ Jane Downey.

    WA Museum history curator Stephen Anstey said the postcards were sent from the soldiers while they were training and when they were on active duty overseas.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Image of a Kimberley Spadefoot pair

    22 Sep 2014

    Kimberley proves to be a frog hot-spot

    Find out about frogs this week when Dr Paul Doughty, Curator of Herpetology at the Western Australian Museum presents two lectures in Broome and Kununurra as part of the Museum’s 2014 In the Wild West lecture series.

    Wet and Wild: Frogs of the Kimberley will delve into recent discoveries and introduce  a who’s who of the region’s frogs including conspicuous tree frogs, rockhole frogs and burrowing frogs.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Photo of the Museum site from the early 1900s

    12 Sep 2014

    History of the Western Australian Museum – Perth

    The following timeline outlines the major changes and developments on the site where the Western Australian Museum – Perth is now located.

    Well before the WA Museum was on this site it was part of a landscape that was a large system of freshwater lakes, swamps and wetlands.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 4 circular baskets in a row

    12 Sep 2014


    As one of the most widely spread cultural practices in the world, basketry is more than a simple technology. Malleable, tangible, and mutable, baskets and the technique of basketry can represent the identity of a weaver, their cultural practices, and a discovery of art form.

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    Online Exhibition
    Western Australian Museum

  • 8 Sep 2014

    Asylum seeker boat donated to Museum

    The Western Australian Museum today thanked the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service for donating the wooden asylum seeker boat that arrived into Geraldton in April 2013, to its collection.

    WA Museum CEO Alec Coles said the vessel and its story were part of contemporary Australian history, and the Museum was committed to documenting the historical record through the collection of significant objects that explored the history of WA and connected people to its past, present and future.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Picture of golden cranes hanging inside the WA Maritime Museum

    5 Sep 2014

    1,000 origami cranes fly at the Maritime Museum for child cancer research

    One thousand gold coloured origami cranes have been suspended from the ceiling vents in the WA Maritime Museum’s foyer for the month of September in support of Go Gold Australia for Childhood Cancer.

    The WA Museum’s Executive Director of Fremantle Museums and Maritime Heritage Dr Ian MacLeod said the Museum is proud to be taking part in September’s Childhood Cancer Awareness month.

    “Go Gold Australia for Childhood Cancer is a volunteer organisation dedicated to raising awareness to advance research into childhood cancers,” Dr MacLeod said.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Image of the Haliclona durdong

    4 Sep 2014

    Nyoongar peoples acknowledged in new sponge species names

    Two new sponge species unique to the southern Western Australian coast have been given species names to honour the Nyoongar peoples as traditional owners of that land.

    Haliclona durdong and Haliclona djeedara are endemic to the WA coastline, occurring in temperate rocky reef habitats and shallow waters from Jurien Bay to Bremer Bay, and are found nowhere else in the world.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Artwork of the Zuytdorp ashore

    3 Sep 2014

    New technologies reveal more of maritime mysteries

    Adjunct Professor and Curator of Maritime Archaeology at the WA Museum Dr Michael (Mack) McCarthy will reveal new and exciting developments occurring behind the scenes at the Museum in an engaging lecture presented in Geraldton on Wednesday 3 September and at Carnarvon on Thursday 4 September.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Image of the Zeewijk cannon on Marine Terrace

    3 Sep 2014

    Crucial cannon conservation to begin

    The Western Australian Museum undertook a delicate operation to remove the Zeewijk cannon from Marine Terrace last Tuesday, so it can be transported to Fremantle for critical conservation treatment.

    With the help of the City of Greater Geraldton, a small crane safely lifted the 289 year-old cannon from its concrete plinth and place it onto a cushioned trailer bed, where it was carefully wrapped in padding and canvas before travelling to the Materials Conservation department of the WA Museum in Fremantle.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • An image of a seated lady observing a portrait picture.

    25 Aug 2014

    Faces From the Front

    To mark the Centenary of World War I and the significant impact it had on Goldfields communities, the Western Australian Museum – Kalgoorlie-Boulder launched its very poignant Faces From the Front exhibition last Friday.

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    Jane Rosevear

  • Image of New Museum Project team members with stakeholders and community members in Broome.

    25 Aug 2014

    New Museum connects with Kimberley communities

    This week, communities in the Kimberley will meet members of the WA Museum’s New Museum Project team and participate in discussions about the New Museum for WA.

    Scheduled to open in 2020, the New Museum will be the flagship museum for Western Australia and will share stories and collections from around the State.

    WA Museum CEO Alec Coles said a core principle of the New Museum is that it will be developed in partnership with the people of WA.

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    Jane Rosevear