Maritime Archaeology's research

  • 8 Jun 2011

    Guano and Pearls, Steamships and Suffragettes....

    Michael McCarthy, Curator of Maritime Archaeology

    How did the SS Xantho sink overloaded with lead ore at Port Gregory? Take a journey through the lives of pioneering ship merchant and businessman Charles Broadhurst, his wife Eliza an early feminist, his son Florance the award winning guano merchant and his daughter Kitty the suffragette.

    Chevron are a presenting partner for the "In the Wild West" lecture series.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • 12 Apr 2011

    The Rottnest deepwater graveyard

    Jeremy Green, Head of Maritime Archaeology

    12.30pm, Friday 11 March 2011, WA Museum – Perth

    The Rottnest Deepwater Graveyard has been used for the last 75 years to dispose of old unwanted ships, aircraft, munitions and military vehicles. Find out about the 80-100m deep site West of Rottnest, and the aerial surveys, technical diving and remotely operated vehicles (ROV’s) that have been revealing more about the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 1 Mar 2011

    ANCODS - unpacking the final artefacts

    The ANCODS Collection consists of artefacts recovered from the four Dutch East India Company ships that sank along the Western Australian coast in the 17th and 18th centuries. The collection is rich and varied including bullion, cargo and building materials, navigational equipment, arms and armament, medical supplies, personal possessions of the crew and passengers, human and animal remains, and artefacts relating to the ships, their sails and rigging.

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    Danny Murphy

  • ANCODS working documents

    Departmental resources | Updated 1 decade ago

    This series comprises catalogues of Dutch wreck material prepared as working documents for the Australian Netherlands Committee on Old Dutch Shipwrecks (ANCODS) in accordance with the Commonwealth Agreement as included in the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.

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  • Maritime Archaeology - Legal Requirements

    Departmental resources | Updated 1 years ago


    The Maritime Archaeology Act (1973) is currently under review by the WA Museum. As part of this review, we are consulting with government, non-government and community organisations as well as with those who have a particular interest in maritime archaeology.

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  • A scientist measuring the wreck of the Batavia in the Shipwreck museum

    Maritime shipwrecks

    Collections | Updated 1 decade ago

    This pages contains historic information and photos from a selection of significant shipwrecks wrecked off the Western Australian coast, including: Trial (1622), Batavia (1629), Vergulde Draeck (1656), Zuytdorp (1712), Zeewijk (1727), Rapid (1811), James Matthews (1841), SS Xantho (1872) and Sepia (1898).

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