Braun’s Wrasse

Collection Highlights | Updated 1 decade ago

A colourful fish swimming near some water plants
Pictilabrus brauni
Photo by Sue Morrison

This rare wrasse (Pictilabrus brauni) is only known from six specimens collected from the Cheyne’s Beach area east of Albany. This species was described by Hutchins & Morrison in 1996. Four of the specimens are lodged at the Western Australian Museum, one is located at the Australian Museum Sydney and one at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.

Its shyness and similarity in appearance to closely related juveniles in the genus have possibly masked its true distribution. Its small size could also make it hard to spot underwater – the largest known specimen is only 74 mm long.

Conservation status considered to be lower risk (near threatened) as a precautionary measure until further information about it is known.

Fish (Ichthyology) Section