Lidded head basket


Humanities Info Card | Updated 1 decade ago

Registration Number: F3004

Location: Timor Leste (East Timor)

Stitch Type: Hexagonal plaiting

Collection Date: 1966

Description: A hexagonal basket with legs and a lid. The basket has a natural coloration with a purple and green design. Made from palm leaf, it has purple half-diamonds around the base.

Curator Story


June noted that this particular basket was purchased from a very elderly woman at a market. It was filled with all of her treasures, and she was only convinced to part with it when told that it would be loved and well cared for. It was the finest basket June had seen in Bacau at the time. The pattern design of this basket is extremely intricate. A great deal of work would have gone in to producing such a piece. June also notes that this piece imitates copper-ware designs.