Native Bee – Presumed Extinct
Enough Rope
Blog entry
Dilly Bags
Winnowing Trays
Zebedee and CSIRO visit the WA Museum
War Shields and Dance Masks of Papua New Guinea
Beetle Mania!
The Kashmiri Kangri
Roped off… Until now.
What is this?!
Friendly Flatworms: The Temnocephalida
South Western Stinger Factsheet
Sea Nettles Factsheet
Bluebottle factsheet
What has WA had to say about Costarella and Frock Stars?
WA Museum Cockatoo research in the spotlight
The de Vlamingh plate
Creature feature - Polyzosteria cuprea
Native Bees
Dawson's Burrowing Bee (Amegilla dawsoni)
Cuckoo Wasps
The Papyrus of Reri
Shaggy Spined Bee
Mole Crickets
Hornets and Large Wasps
Flightless Carcass Beetles
Earth-borer Beetles
Discovery of the ‘megamouth bee’ Leioproctus sp.
The Eharo Mask
The little invertebrate that could
The megamouth results are in!
The toys are coming out to play
Sunny the Sunfish
Returning a 1903 Oldsmobile to its former glory...