Museum Articles

Close up view of a conserved fabric

Conservation of a 17th century chalice veil from New Norcia

Blog entry

Main mass (12.4 t) of the Mundrabilla meteorite on route to the Western Australian Museum

Meteorite Collection


Image of a Noisy Scrub-bird

Birds under threat in our South West

Blog entry

Photo of a man climbing out of a hole taken during a subterranean biology field trip.

Collecting in the Dark Zone


Christmas Island

Remarkable travels of migratory birds


Boy bowling at Fastest Arm in the West

On Now: Do you have the Fastest Arm in the West?

Blog entry

Image of a yellow diamond from the Kimberley

The story of diamonds in Western Australia


Image of a grey nurse shark specimen.

Marine predators from the Cretaceous


Diver examining Kimberley reef as part of the Woodside Collection Project

Kimberley Marine Life – The Woodside Collection Project

Blog entry

Ruby Seadragon through X-ray radiograph.

Meet Ruby – WA’s seadragon discovery that’s been 100 years in the making



Lobsters, rock lobsters and crayfish


Image of an orange-yellow sea star photographed near Cassini Island, Kimberley

Amazing Sea Stars


Image of a Red-back spider sitting on a leaf

Redback spider bite - what to do


Image of a micromollusc. Woodside Collection Project (2009-2014)

West Coast Marine Molluscs

Blog entry

Image of a live Baler Shell moving along the ocean floor.

Scientific investigations on Baler shells


Image of an atoll in the ocean

Bird capture and release story


Image of the brown-grey meteorite Nakhla, on display the WA Museum.

How do we know where meteorites come from?


Image of an Orb-weaving spider in its web

The spider that weaves gold


An unusual spider like creature perched on a rock

About the Whip Spider

Blog entry

Image of sleeping dog dressed in a pair of red antlers with bells in Perth CBD

What does Christmas mean to you?

Blog entry

Image of mounted tahr trophy head prepared by Theobald Bros

Moving the old to prepare for the New – Museum!

Blog entry

Banner showing Last Gentlemen of War text

The Last Gentlemen of War - about the exhibition

Blog entry

A large group of the clusterwink Planaxis sulcatus (Born, 1778) covered by the incoming tide at Exmouth. (Photo: Nerida Wilson)

Sampling along the coastal Pilbara

Blog entry

Image of Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures signage

Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures - extended to 18 January 2015

Blog entry

Male Mygalamorph spider of the genus Aname

DNA Barcoding

Blog entry

Unexpected Acquisitions

Blog entry

Photo of the Museum site from the early 1900s

History of the Western Australian Museum – Perth


A new species of sponge, pictured growing on a rock overhang in a reef

Two new sponge species with Nyoongar species names

Blog entry

Three yellow beetles on a black background

Zoomify in HTML5 Update - Leaflet viewer

Blog entry

The Albany Assassin Spider perched on a branch

Discover Western Australia's amazing fauna

Blog entry

Biodiversity comes in all shapes and sizes

Blog entry

Two spear heads from the Dick Roberts collection at the WA Museum

These boomerangs did come back: the Dick Roberts collection

Blog entry



The Age of the Mammals


End of an Era


At 9 metres long, a close relative of Tyrannosaurus and had simple, filament-like feathers that would have looked much like fur from a distance

Birds Are Dinosaurs Too
