Sophie Kyron

In the twenty years that Sophie Kyron jewellery has been in business, Sophie has created an aesthetic that elaborately adorns the body. Each piece she has created for Beyond Garment has evolved from a desire to showcase a particular palette, texture or period of history. Her neckpieces overshadow the rest of the wearers garment with their theatrics, presenting heady layers of beads and lace, allowing 'accessory' to overtake 'garment'.

Selected Works

Fleur, 2009.

Fleur, 2009. Model: Juliana Nuic @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Museum Photo by Penny Lane.
Fleur, 2009.
Photo by Penny Lane.
Model: Juliana Nuic @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Museum

Tallulah, 2009.

Tallulah Model: Juliana Nuic @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Musuem Photo by Penny Lane
Photo by Penny Lane
Model: Juliana Nuic @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Musuem

Marina, 2009.

Marina, 2009. Model: Juliana Nuic @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Museum Photo by Penny Lane.
Marina, 2009.
Photo by Penny Lane.
Model: Juliana Nuic @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Museum

Beyond Garment is presented by the Western Australian Museum and
Perth Fashion Festival with support from the Department of Culture and the Arts

  1. Visit Sponsor
  2. Visit Perth Fashion Festival website
  3. Visit Department of Culture and the Arts website