Leah Tarlo

Leah Tarlo’s tactile, three-dimensional jewellery is a salute to the greater collections of materials that she surrounds herself with. Her installations reference a world of endless possibilities, composed of “things past, lives lived, games played, toys loved, objects made, work done, stories told; of quality, integrity, preciousness, uniqueness, rare finds and recreations”. Small objects link the wearer to nostalgic memories of past events, in the belief that these finds may transfer their virtues to their owner.

Selected Works

Curiouser & Curiouser, 2010.

Curiouser & Curiouser, 2010. Model: Sarah Pauley @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Museum Photo by Greg Woodward
Curiouser & Curiouser, 2010.
Photo by Greg Woodward
Model: Sarah Pauley @ Viviens Model Management. Photo copyright of WA Museum

Beyond Garment is presented by the Western Australian Museum and
Perth Fashion Festival with support from the Department of Culture and the Arts

  1. Visit Sponsor
  2. Visit Perth Fashion Festival website
  3. Visit Department of Culture and the Arts website