Moira Doropoulos

Moira’s work focuses on the small, ritual practices of human life that occur in many cultures all over the world, seeking to universalise experience in a time of contemporary nomadic culture. Cloth is used in the ritual binding of precious items and to preserve artefacts in times of transition and movement. The cloth itself may take on the memory of the places and events that surround it, remaining marked with the owner’s identity. Her work is heavy with tradition. Moira seeks to promote Western Australian textiles internationally through her work as an executive committee member of the Textile Exchange Project (TEP).

Selected Works

Moments of Preservation, 2008 - 2010.

Moments of Preservation, 2008 - 2010. Photo copyright of Renee Doropoulos Photo by Renee Doropoulos
Moments of Preservation, 2008 - 2010.
Photo by Renee Doropoulos
Photo copyright of Renee Doropoulos

Beyond Garment is presented by the Western Australian Museum and
Perth Fashion Festival with support from the Department of Culture and the Arts

  1. Visit Sponsor
  2. Visit Perth Fashion Festival website
  3. Visit Department of Culture and the Arts website