What's New

  • Young and older volunteers working at the catering station

    22 Sep 2017

    Dowerin Field Days volunteers

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    WA Museum staff Natalie Evans, Neville Dowson and Renae Woodhams headed to Dowerin in August to meet a group of dedicated volunteers who work behind the scenes to keep the GWN Machinery Field Days humming. This is what they found out.

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    Erika Jellis

  • The cover of Home Time by Campbell Whyte

    21 Sep 2017

    Back... with a book!

    Well, it's been a few weeks coming, but I am finally back on-line, following the demise of the weekly CEO News, encouraged by numerous expressions of dismay that CEO News had been terminated (not by me, I hasten to add...)

    I know that this is not quite the same, but let us see how it goes...

    My first 'CEO Blog' is to alert you to a book launch tomorrow night - not by the Museum, but by one of its staff, Engagement Officer, Campbell Whyte.

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    Alec Coles

  • "A close up image of the new spider. It is very big and is sitting on red dirt."

    15 Sep 2017

    What do Trapdoor Spiders, Cocktails and Dinosaurs have in Common?

    All will combine to create a wild cultural experience of fun and philanthropy at The Lost World: Night at the Museum. Guests of the Foundation for the WA Museum will have the chance to name a new WA species of the Trapdoor spider genus, Idiosoma, found in a small region of the northern Wheatbelt of WA, for a price!

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    Foundation for the WA Museum

  • "Christine and Ian standing in front of a bookcase. He is holding his certificate of appreciation."

    11 Sep 2017

    Congratulations Ian Mettam!

    We would like to congratulate one of our library volunteers Ian Mettam.

    Ian has been volunteering at the library every Wednesday for the last 12 years, tirelessly transcribing old catalogue cards for the digital Reprint Collection. This extensive project has taken 10 years to complete.

    In recognition of his hard work, the Museum’s librarian, Bobbie Bruce, recently had the pleasure of presenting Ian a Certificate of Appreciation.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • "A close up colour portrait shot of Jaimee Cockie."

    5 Sep 2017

    Follow the Dream: Work Experience with the WA Museum

    17 year old Jaimee Cockie spent a week with the Western Australian Museum on work experience.

    Jaimee is from Hamilton Hill Senior High School and will graduate at the end of 2017. After three months volunteering in Fiji next year, she will be attending Murdoch University. This placement was set up through her Follow the Dream coordinator and careers teacher at school.

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    Western Australian Museum

  • Recently collected shell of Bothriembryon whitleyi from Geraldton

    25 Aug 2017

    Western Australian Museum fieldwork aims to make first live observation of rare snail

    Western Australian Museum scientists are in Geraldton looking for a land snail so rare it is presumed extinct.

    Bothriembryon whitleyi, commonly known as Whitley’s Tapered Snail, has never been observed live but shells collected recently indicate live specimens may exist. They were collected in the Geraldton area earlier this year and indicate living populations are likely.  

    WA Museum Technical Officer of Molluscs Corey Whisson said a field assessment of the species is needed, and winter is the best time to undertake one.

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    Sharna Craig

  • 'The Greenough leaning tree' by Geraldton photographer Ken Lawson shows a tree growing sideways under a star-filled night sky.

    26 Jul 2017

    Astrofest exhibition returns to Museum of Geraldton as part of National Science Week

    A stunningly beautiful astrophotography exhibition will be on display at the Museum of Geraldton from 28 July – 10 September 2017.

    Since its inception in 2009, Astrofest has become one of the largest science events in Western Australia, and is the only astronomy event of its kind and scale in Australia. The festival is an Astronomy WA event and is coordinated by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research.

    A highlight of the festival is the astrophotography exhibition, which is curated by Dr John Goldsmith of Celestial Visions.

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    Sharna Craig

  • 26 Jul 2017

    WA Faces of Kalgoorlie-Boulder

    Kalgoorlie-Boulder was (and is) called the 'Land of the Kulgula's. It is the significant meeting place for the many nations in the Goldfields region. Seventy thousand years later we are still meeting here, living and celebrating our vibrant culture. 

    Tina, Kalgoorlie 2017


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    Erika Jellis

  • Two workers holding the straps around a large chiller.  The chiller is about to be craned onto the roof of the Art Gallery of WA

    21 Jul 2017

    Perth Cultural Centre wired for savings

    Check out this chiller being craned onto the Art Gallery of Western Australia's roof. It's part of the Perth Cultural Centre's new central energy plant, which is being delivered as part of the New Museum Project.  It is expected to reduce the energy use and carbon emissions of the cultural buildings by up to 40 per cent from 2020. The plant’s full benefits will be realised after the New Museum opens in 2020.

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    New Museum Project

  • Curator handing a shell to a man, woman to his left and children to his right.

    11 Jul 2017

    Community panels shaping the New Museum

    Every three months a group of sixty community members come together to discuss the New Museum Project and provide insight into how the building and content should take shape.

    They come from around Western Australia, from as far away as Meekatharra and Albany and as close as the Perth metro area. They represent many aspects of WA’s diverse communities and bring their ideas, experiences, and love of great museums, buildings and public spaces to the conversation.

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    New Museum Project

  • Axe (kodj). Wood, stone, resin. King George Sound, Albany, c. 1830s From Yurlmun Mia Boodja exhibition

    30 Jun 2017

    Western Australian Museum wins two IPAA Awards

    The Western Australian Museum and its partners have won two prestigious achievement awards presented by the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA), for excellence in outstanding collaborations that delivered extraordinary cultural experiences around significant Western Australian stories.

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    Flora Perrella

  • Overall winner 'Piercing Headache' by Matthew McIntosh of Queensland shows a frog being bitten by mosquitoes.

    28 Jun 2017

    Nature photography exhibition to show at the Museum of the Goldfields

    The finalists’ and winners’ entries for the 2016 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition will go on display at the Museum of the Goldfields this weekend.

    A remarkable image of an orange-eyed tree frog (Litoria chloris) won the competition. Piercing Headache by Matthew McIntosh of Queensland captures the male frog being bitten by bloodthirsty mosquitoes.

    Museum of the Goldfields Regional Manager Zoe Scott said she hopes the exhibition’s visitors will be inspired by the beauty and intricacy of our natural world.

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    Sharna Craig

  • Loisette Marsh, Barry Wilson and Barry Hutchins. 1970s

    26 Jun 2017

    Vale Barry Wilson

    It was with great sadness that we received news of the recent death of Dr Barry Wilson on 12 June.

    I wish to pay tribute to him and his immense contribution to science, conservation and museums: I am particularly grateful to Diana Jones, who knew him well, for providing much of the information presented here.

    Barry is widely recognised for his enormous contribution to museums and the natural sciences, notably in the discipline of Malacology.

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    Alec Coles