Mid West history mysteries explored

News | Created 8 Aug 2014

Some remarkable geology of the Shark Bay area

Renowned WA geologist, historian, and former Director of the Geological Survey of Western Australia Dr Phil Playford will present two engaging lectures at the WA Museum – Geraldton this week, as part of the WA Museum’s 2014 In the Wild West lecture series.

In The wreck of the Zuytdorp, 1712 on Thursday evening, Dr Playford will explore the disastrous story of the Zuytdorp from its heyday in 1712 as one of the great ships of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), to the discovery of the ship’s wreck off Kalbarri in 1927, and positive identification by Dr Playford himself in 1954.

“Identifying the wreck of the Zuytdorp was an exceptional task; a great range of artefacts were found intact and are now on display, allowing the WA Museum to share the Zuytdorp’s story here in Geraldton and at the WA Museum – Shipwreck Galleries in Fremantle,” said Dr Playford. 

“For me the appeal of the Zuytdorp lies in the mystery surrounding the lives of any survivors.  You see, there is no record of the seamen aboard the ship, or their fate.  I’ll reveal my theory that it is possible that some survivors of the wreck joined with local Aborigines to become the first European inhabitants of Australia.”

Friday, 1 August sees Dr Playford investigate the geology of the World Heritage Shark Bay area in The geology of Shark Bay.  This lecture will examine the internationally renowned Hamelin Pool living stromatolites, explore the treacherous Zuytdorp Cliffs and follow Dr Playford’s evidence for mega-tsunamis in the area during the recent past.

Regional Manager of WA Museum – Geraldton Leigh O’Brien said hosting lectures from the In the Wild West series is an engaging way to share important and relevant stories with the local community.

“Dr Playford brings with him a wealth of knowledge of the geology of our region and a passion for the histories that shaped our Mid West communities,” Ms O’Brien said.

In the Wild West is a six month lecture series delivered to regional and metropolitan locations across the State, thanks to support from Rangelands Natural Resource Management, WA. 

The wreck of the Zuytdorp, 1712 is on Thursday, 31 July at 7pm.  The geology of Shark Bay is on Friday, 1 August at 10am.  To book for either lecture call 9921 5080 or visit http://museum.wa.gov.au/whats-on/in-the-wild-west

Jane Rosevear
Media and Publicity Officer
Western Australian Museum
(08) 6552 7805