Secrets of the Afterlife

Secrets of the Afterlife: Magic, Mummies and Immortality in Ancient Egypt is an exhibition that will immerse visitors in a realm beyond the threshold of death. It will take them on the perilous journey ancient Egyptians believed would lead them to immortality and everlasting paradise.

Through a stunning array of more than 100 artefacts from the renowned British Museum collection, exclusively curated for the Western Australian Museum, this exhibition travels to the heart of the ancient Egyptian quest for eternal life.

Spells and magic were among the necessary preparations for every Egyptian to be transformed into a divine being. Secrets of the Afterlife features many of these beautifully illustrated collections of magical spells on papyrus or linen, including the Book of the Dead.

Precious artefacts, thousands of years old, will be on display and include intricately decorated coffins, two mummies and a gilded mummy mask – with the oldest artefact being a 4,500 year old model of a set of tools used in ‘Opening the Mouth’ ceremonies during the funerary process.

This spellbinding exhibition will not be seen anywhere else in Australia so make sure you don’t miss it, book your tickets now!


Image: Gilded mask, Ptolemaic-Roman period, first century BCE-first century CE, Egypt

© Trustees of the British Museum.