Aquatic Zoology's research

  • 18 Feb 2013

    Day 4 The Skipper – Kimberley 2012

    This video diary features an interview with the skipper of the Kimberley Quest, the boat used for the research expedition

    These video diaries document the October 2012 field trip into remote areas of the Kimberley. This field trip was part of the Marine Life of Kimberley project to study and understand the marine biodiversity of the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 18 Feb 2013

    Day 4 Ribbon Worm – Kimberley 2012

    In this video, Andrew Hosie talks about the Ribbon Worm, an unusual and fascinating creature in that features in the Kimberley reef ecosystem.

    These video diaries document the October 2012 field trip into remote areas of the Kimberley. This field trip was part of the Marine Life of Kimberley project to study and understand the marine biodiversity of the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 15 Feb 2013

    Day 3 Along the Line – Kimberley 2012

    This video shows underwater footage of an amazing reef dive and the fantastic diversity that exists on the coral reef.

    These video diaries document the October 2012 field trip into remote areas of the Kimberley. This field trip was part of the Marine Life of Kimberley project to study and understand the marine biodiversity of the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 14 Feb 2013

    Day 3 Cushions – Kimberley 2012

    This video shows us some of the amazing sea stars that ben found in the waters of the Kimberley, including the beautiful Pin Cushion sea star.

    These video diaries document the October 2012 field trip into remote areas of the Kimberley. This field trip was part of the Marine Life of Kimberley project to study and understand the marine biodiversity of the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 13 Feb 2013

    Day 2 Flying Fish – Kimberley 2012

    This video diary details the life of flying fish, explaining how these tiny fish are excellent at flying and jumping out of the water.

    These video diaries document the October 2012 field trip into remote areas of the Kimberley. This field trip was part of the Marine Life of Kimberley project to study and understand the marine biodiversity of the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • 13 Feb 2013

    Day 1 The shell Graveyard – Kimberley 2012

    The first dive of the 2012 research trip reveals a treasure-trove of sea shells, molluscs and other animals from a sand ridge that was initially not expected to reveal much at all.

    These video diaries document the October 2012 field trip into remote areas of the Kimberley. This field trip was part of the Marine Life of Kimberley project to study and understand the marine biodiversity of the area.

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    Danny Murphy

  • A large Breaksea Cod fish swimming

    31 Jan 2013

    Fish in focus - Breaksea Cod

    As proud Western Australians, to start off in 2013 we will be highlighting a group of very special fishes – endemic species – those found only in Western Australia.  This is the first of those.

    One of a kind - Breaksea Cod

    Epinephelides armatus (Castelnau, 1875)

    Status: Near Threatened

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    Blog entry
    Western Australian Museum

  • A male Asian Paddle Crab

    2 Nov 2012

    Have you seen this crab?

    The Western Australian Department of Fisheries has issued an alert after the Asian Paddle Crab, Charybdis japonica, was caught by a recreational crabber near Mosman Park on 19 October. Fishers and divers in the Swan and Canning Rivers as well as the greater Cockburn Sound area are urged to report any unusual crabs to FishWatch reporting line on 1800 815 507 or email

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    Blog entry
    Western Australian Museum

  • Emily Wilson

    30 Sep 2012

    Create-A-Crab Workshop

    This photo gallery documents some new crab species discovered by our junior Aquatic Zoology department.

    Join us daily from 10.00am - 2.00pm during the October school holidays at the Western Australian Museum - Perth for more creative marine-themed craft activities..

    This activity is proudly supported by Woodside.

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    Photo Galleries
    Discovery Centre

  • The Harmonica Pebble Crab compared to a piece of coral

    26 Sep 2012

    Creature Feature - Harmonica Pebble Crab

    Harmonica Pebble Crab, Oreophorus reticulatus

    Sometimes at the museum we come across a species that can be baffling. This crab with its pock-marked, lumpy and misshapen carapace is a bizarre sight. The row of circular pits on the pincers reminded us of a harmonica, which is why we are dubbing this species the Harmonica Pebble Crab. This species was first reported in Australian waters in 2004 from the Dampier Archipelago at a depth of 40 m.

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    Blog entry
    Western Australian Museum

  • 18 Sep 2012

    Seahorse tales and pregnant males

    Dr Glenn Moore, Fish Section, WA Museum Presented as part of the In the Wild West Lecture Series in 2012.

    Discover the fascinating secret world of the seahorse, where fish hold on by their tail, mates dance for their partners and males get pregnant!

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    Western Australian Museum