WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 9 years ago

Introduction: Marchagee Nature Reserve lies within the Irwin district of the South Western Botanical Province of Gardner and Bennetts (1956). Vegetation of the Marchagee Vegetation System has been discussed by Beard (1976a,b). Beard maps the vegetation of Marchagee Reserve as 'scrub heath on sandplain' with a belt of 'teatree thicket and samphire' on its north-eastern side.

Abbreviated vegetation descriptions are presented in Appendix 1 and sample locations are illustrated on Map 1. Full descriptions of the vegetation following the format presented in Muir (1977) are available on request from the Librarian. Species found at some locations are listed in Appendix 2 and families of plants in Appendix 3.

Author(s) B.G. MUIR : Part 9
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