Siluro-Devonian invertebrate faunas from the Bogan Gate-Trundle-Mineral Hill area of central New South Wales

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 10 years ago

Abstract - Late Silurian (Pridoli) to Early Devonian (Emsian) fossils are described from the Bogan Gate-Trundle-Mineral Hill area of central New South Wales. The oldest assemblage, from the Pridoli to Lochkov Cookeys Plains Formation (Derriwong Group), includes the stromatoporoid Plexodictyon conophoroides, a rugose coral Tryplasma sp., tabulate corals Favosites tripora, Squameofavosites bryani and Heliolites daintreei, the trilobite Batocara sp., and brachiopods Howellella, Retziella and a new species, Strophadonta trundlense. Restricted to the Early Devonian part of the Derriwong Group is the brachiopod Isorthis (I.) alpha. Pragian to early Emsian species documented from the Trundle and Yarra Yarra Creek Groups include the brachiopod Spinella pittmani, and from the Connemarra Formation, the trilobite Crotalocephalus regius has been identified.

Author(s) G.Z. Foldvary : Part 1
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