WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 10 years ago

Reptiles and frogs were collected in Cockleshell Gully Reserve No. 15018 from 22 October to 11 November 1973 and from 12 to 29 May 1974. All main geological and vegetation formations were examined. The usual Museum collecting techniques were used, e.g. shooting with .22 dustshot, active searching in daytime, turning over stones and litter, digging out burrows and searching at night with head torches.

Data on each species are listed below. An assessment of abundance is made from sightings as well as from specimens collected. Additional data are provided for a few species from information obtained by R.E. Johnstone and G.M. Storr. Vegetation classifications are from Muir (1977).

All specimens are in the Western Australian Museum. Those collected in October-November are R48412-48557 and those collected in May are R48991-49-66 and R49212-49215. Other specimens used were R47802, 47807, 48802-09, 48818-19 and 48822-26; dates of these specimens are included in the annotated list.

Author(s) J. DELL & A. CHAPMAN : Part 1
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