Birds of the southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: distribution, status and historical changes

WA Museum Records and Supplements | Updated 7 years ago

ABSTRACT – Geographic range and status is documented for the 279 bird species known to occur in the southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. The 162 breeding species are mapped, and each was assessed for possible changes in abundance during the last century. No species is known to have become extinct. For about 75% of breeding species we could not detect a change, but about 13% have increased in abundance and 10–15% have decreased in abundance. These changes are comparable to those reported for a nearby arid area (the Murchison catchment), but are less than those reported for an eastern Australian arid area (western New South Wales).

Author(s) R.E. Johnstone, Allan H. Burbidge and P. Stone
Supplement 61 : Biodiversity of the southern Carnarvon Basin
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