Entomology (Insect) Collection

Collections | Updated 10 years ago

This collection contains representatives of all kinds of insects, chiefly from Western Australia, but including specimens from other Australian states and elsewhere in the world. Specimens are dried and pinned, preserved in ethanol, or slide-mounted. This collection serves primarily as a reference and research collection rather than for display.

Image of a Sandgroper

Sandgroper, Cyliadrachaeta sp.
Image copyright Douglas Elford, WA Museum 

Entomology factsheets

Native Bees - PDF Download Web Text

Megamouth Bee Discovery - PDF Download Web Text

Slender Mud-dauber Wasps - PDF Download Web Text

Native Bee: Presumed Extinct - PDF Download Web Text

Earth-borer beetles - PDF Download Web Text

Flightless Carcass Beetles - PDF Download Web Text

Hornets and large wasps - PDF Download Web Text

Mole crickets - PDF Download Web Text

Shaggy Spined Bee - PDF Download Web Text

Cuckoo Wasps - PDF Download Web Text

Dawson's Burrowing Bee - PDF Download Web Text

Sandgropers - PDF Download Web Text

Number of items
Over 500,000 pinned specimens and an uncounted number in ethanol