Northern Toadlet

Uperoleia borealis Tyler, Davies & Martin 1981

Species Info Card | Updated 1 decade ago

A small (< 3 cm) squat robust frog with rough skin. The limbs are very short, the fingers are unwebbed with the toes slightly webbed. Colouration is pale to dull brown, with a stippled grey throat and orange patches in the groin and legs.

Breeding Biology

Males call from the base of grass tussocks or from rocks near slow flowing streams or pond. Females lay up to 200 eggs amongst vegetation. Tadpoles are relatively inactive in ponds. They grow to about 3 cm and have a black tail tip.


Sparsely vegetated areas that temporarily flood in the wet season, especially creeklines.


borealis refers to the northern distribution of this species.


This species is likely to be comprised of several species, including U. innundata from the Northern Territory.

Distribution map for Northern Toadlet

Kimberley region. Also extends in to north-western NT.

A short rasp. Males usually call along creeklines, forming linear choruses.