Vikings Exhibition Learning Resources

COVID-19 Education Update

The WA Museum is now accepting bookings for school excursions to all of our Museum sites. Please take the time to read our COVID-19 Education Update to find out what the Museum is doing and any impacts this may have on your planned excursion.

Further Information

Vikings Exhibition Banner

When we think of Vikings, we think of fierce warriors wielding blades of iron and steel. We think of sleek, powerful vessels carrying fearless raiders across treacherous seas to invade foreign shores.

Theirs was a time of conquest and colonisation, but the legacy of the Vikings is defined by more than the battles they won.

Vikings: Warriors of the North, Giants of the Sea allows your students to learn the true stories of conquest, plunder, craft, trade and adventure which turned these Nordic people into heroes of myth and legend.

The exhibition features over 140 authentic artefacts dated between 750 and 1100 CE, each offering a unique glimpse into this riveting time in European history.

Within the exhibition your students will find preserved Viking weaponry, jewellery, ceremonial and religious artefacts, tools, ancient currency, and even reconstructed portions of Viking ships.

Scroll down or click through:

Education Group Bookings

Dates: Term 1: 1 Feb - 1 Apr Term 2: 19 Apr - 14 May 2021
Location: WA Maritime Museum, Victoria Quay, Fremantle
Duration: 60 minute self-guided viewing sessions
Cost: $10.00 per student and supervising adult
Bookings: Advanced Booking & Payment Essential
Curriculum Links: History

Vikings: Warriors of the North, Giants of the Sea may be of particular interest to Year 8 students studying "The Ancient to the Modern World" but we welcome bookings from all year levels.

Bookings can be made and paid for online or by calling 1300 134 081. Advanced booking and payment is essential. There are no refunds for paid students who do not attend.

Each exhibition session can cater for a maximum of 75 students. Students will be pulsed through the exhibition in smaller groups according to your supervision ratio. Please allow at least an extra 15 minutes to your visit for this to occur.

Book Now

February March April May

Please note: Students and all accompanying adults will require a ticket for entry.

Homeschool students are welcome to visit the exhibition, but to be eligible for the $10.00 school group rate you will need to visit with a minimum group size of 10 students during term time. Home school sessions for individual students will be scheduled on the Homeschoolers page.

Further information about excursions to the WA Maritime Museum, including the Excursion Management Plan and Certificate of Currency can be found here.

If you need assistance with your booking call our Bookings Team on 1300 134 081 or email

Vikings Exhibition Teachers Guide

Jelling Stone Replica

Jelling Stone Replica
Used with permission from Museum Partners.

This guide outlines the themes explored in the gallery spaces within the Vikings exhibition. It outlines the key messages being explored within that theme and also one or two key objects that your students will see. You can use these key messages to focus your student’s exploration within the exhibition. 

The guide also contains the Vikings Object Explorer Activity. This activity encourages free exploration of the exhibition followed by an in-depth analysis of an object. This is followed by a shared discussion back in the classroom.

Download Vikings Exhibition Teachers Guide [PDF - 8.4 MB]

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Oxford Big Ideas Humanities

Oxford Big Ideas Humanities - The Vikings Chapter

Oxford University Press has a comprehensive Vikings resource for Year 8 students in the Australian Curriculum and Victorian editions of Oxford Big Ideas Humanities.

They have kindly made The Vikings chapter from the Victorian edition available for WA Teachers to use in conjunction with the exhibition.

Download Oxford Big Ideas Humanities - The Vikings Chapter [PDF - 12 MB]

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The Last Viking author and illustrator workshops

The Last Viking Cover

The Last Viking Cover
Used with permission from Norman Jorgensen and James Foley

Primary School teachers, extend your visit to the Vikings exhibition with a Vikings themed author/illustrator talk back in the classroom!

Perth locals Norman Jorgenson (author) and James Foley (illustrator) joined forces to create the picture books The Last Viking and The Last Viking Returns.

Young Josh is afraid of everything – he isn’t brave like the mighty Vikings his Pop tells him of. One day Josh decides to become a fearless Viking too. He calls himself Prince Knut, builds his own armour and sails a dragon-headed longship through stormy seas. When bullies threaten Knut, he must find the courage to defend himself – and lucky for him the Viking Gods, Odin and Thor, have been watching. They won’t let one of their own stand alone…

Find out more about booking a workshop at your school - either with the author, the illustrator, or both:

Norman Jorgenson – author

James Foley - illustrator

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Vikings: Warriors of the North, Giants of the Sea is a collaboration between Museums Partner and National Museum Denmark.

The WA Museum offers special thanks to Santos, our Principal Partner for this exhibition.

Vikings Exhibition Teachers Notes8.14 MB