Project Aspirations

People First

The New Museum is being developed with a philosophy of ‘People First’, providing meaningful and ongoing opportunities for the people of WA to have input into the content and visitor experiences.  Over the course of the Project, and well after the doors have opened in 2020, the Museum is encouraging all Western Australians to have input and share their stories.

The New Museum is embracing our State’s diversity through individual and shared stories and multiple perspectives will be encouraged to generate discussion, debate and meaningful connections. Community voices are central to the new displays and through a program of State-wide engagement the Museum is seeking input from all Western Australians.  These stories will be shared in the New Museum, as well as through outreach programs, and virtually through our digital and technological connections.

Connecting our State

The Western Australian Museum is working with partners, communities and individuals from around the State to develop the content and exhibitions for the New Museum. Throughout the content development and design process we will provide opportunities for the public and communities to contribute, participate and have input into the stories and themes that will be included in the Museum.

Community panels

To gather specific feedback and ideas, the WA Museum has established four community panels that provide ongoing input into the New Museum development. The panel members come from all over the State and have a range of backgrounds and skills. They meet up to four times per year to disucss content and visitor experiences in the New Museum.

The panels include:

  • People’s Panel - representing the many backgrounds and interests of Western Australians;  
  • Access and Inclusion Panel - representing people with a disability or specific needs, their families, carers and people from a range of cultural and linguistically diverse communities;
  • Children and Young People’s Panel - representing our State's young people;
  • Teachers and Educators Panel - educators from all sectors, including life-long learning, formal and informal learning; and 
  • The Western Australian Museum's Aboriginal Advisory Committee.  

Portrait of people hugging

WA Faces
Image copyright WA Museum 


Western Australia

The New Museum will be a gateway to exploring Western Australia and a place where locals and visitors will begin their journey of discovery.

Innovative and engaging spaces will create a sense of WA’s unique character through its environment, landscape and people.

Visitors will explore our State and share the sense of wonder that we feel about this immense, ancient and amazing place!

Above all, we want to demonstrate Western Australia’s place in the world and showcase its extraordinary past and its exciting future.

Karijini National Park

Design Excellence

The New Museum will be an innovative and exciting place appealing to, and welcoming all Western Australians and visitors to our State.

It will be a landmark destination that will significantly contribute to the vibrancy of Perth and its Cultural Centre by creating a unique presence that reflects our city and the whole of our State.

The building, its content and programs will be designed to provide a diverse range of activities, whilst encouraging a rich mix of partnerships that will contribute to a dynamic cultural precinct.

As we develop the New Museum, we will be investigating and implementing the latest techniques in design, sustainability, new technologies, accessibility and visitor engagement to create a museum that will inspire people to explore and discover WA for generations to come.

Painted shields from the Museum collection

The Activated Museum

The Activated Museum is our concept for an ever-changing, dynamic and creative visitor experience which contains flexible, active and content-rich spaces throughout. Content will include collections, commissioned art, interactive exhibits, dynamic and immersive multimedia, participatory opportunities to create content and, of course, visiting exhibitions from around the world.

This activation includes spaces for debate, ideas, memories, conversations and creative responses. It will provide opportunities for people to reflect on their lives and the future of Western Australia, and explore ways to take action for change.  

Family playing with iPads in Museum