A Story to Tell

Temporary Exhibition | Updated 1 decade ago

Image copyright of the artist
Watermelon Patch, 2001 by Laurel Nannup. Woodcut, ink on paper.
Photograph: Brett Nannup

In A Story To Tell, Nyoongar artist Laurel Nannup tells her own story, through woodcuts, etchings and photographs. These works illustrate the artist's memories of place, particularly events and people, all of which contribute to an overview of life.

Laurel's works traverse her journey from living in the bush in Pinjarra with her large Aboriginal family to being taken away at 8 years of age to live at the Wandering Mission where she spent the following eight years. Lolly trees, sliding Sisters, campfire tales and the ‘Big Black Car’… it’s with warm and affectionate humour that Nannup shares with us her stories. Nannup’s ease and joy with the craft of printmaking beautifully highlights these wonderful stories.

A Story to Tell is proudly presented by Laurel Nannup.

This exhibition has been assisted by ART ON THE MOVE the National Exhibitions Touring Structure for Western Australia Inc. through the Exhibition Development and Touring Funds.

ART ON THE MOVE is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. ART ON THE MOVE is supported by the Visual arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments.

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