A Day in Pompeii

Temporary Exhibition | Updated 1 decade ago

Illustration copyright of Museum Victoria
Mount Vesuvius
Copyright of Museum Victoria

This is your last chance to see the extraordinary exhibition A Day in Pompeii in Australia.

Discover how ancient Romans lived and the fascinating story of Pompeii, a city entombed in 79 A.D. following the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. A Day in Pompeii is proudly presented by the Western Australian Museum and Eventscorp.

More than 250 exquisite objects including marble sculpture, gold jewellery and delicate frescoes evoke the richness and culture of life at the height of the Roman Empire. A Day in Pompeii tells the story of everyday life in the once-bustling city – from food and dining to shopping, medicine and religion.

A spectacular immersive 3D theatre will allow visitors to experience the dramatic eruption of Vesuvius that wiped out this amazing city.

A Night in Pompeii - the WA Museum will open its doors on Friday nights until 9.00pm from 30 July - 10 September.
