Ancient Egypt

Research Projects | Updated 9 months ago

A sweeping landscape of Egypt
A modern photo of Umm el-Qa’ab, Abydos, Egypt and the mounds of pots still visible on the surface
Photo by Heather Tunmore, Image copyright Heather Tunmore

Current research is focussed on understanding the WA Museum’s Egyptian collection of around 400 items. The best documented items are pottery from excavations at Abydos by William Leonard S Loat, and from Esna, Hierakonpolis [modern Kom el Ahmar] and Hissayeh excavated by John Garstang before 1906, both of whom worked through the Egyptian Exploration Fund. These ceramics form about 36% of the collections. The collection ranges from ancient stone tools, to pottery, wooden elements from coffins or statues, but also includes contemporary items reflecting the popularity of Egyptian motifs in a global context. We are currently working to obtain radiometric dates on various organic items to help us more fully understand the nature of our collections.