a. St James version bible, well used and various texts underlined. Label on first blank pages reads "BRITISH SAILORS' SOCIETY / (AT HOME AND ABROAD) / FREMANTLE BRANCH (INCORPORATED) / PATRONS: / THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN. / THE KING OF THE BELGIANS". In a round insignia, a flag with "BRITISH SAILORS' SOCIETY", a crown on top, and around the edge "IN SERVICE FOR THE SAILOR". On the next page, drawn in black ink, is a radiant crown, a cross and an anchor. Within a scroll beneath, "OCT / CHARLES H. TAYLOR / 1893". A smaller scroll is lettered "ICH. DIEN DIEU" and below it "THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT / WHICH IS THE / WORD OF GOD". In blue pencil "12.7.94 / PSM 55-22". Two articles, one on prayer and the other about Christ, have been glued onto the margin of pp.864-5; another on p.925 is about keeping faith. A newspaper clipping, words of a poem or hymn, the cover of an envelope with pencilled notes, and part of a covenant signed "HARRY A JOHNSON" were filed between leaves of the bible. The book features coloured maps and on the last blank page "JUDE 2" has been pencilled. b. Brown leather case with handle for carrying a. lettered "CHAS. H TAYLOR". The inscription below, very worn, reads "THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT / WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD". The flap was once secured by an attached strap (now broken) and buckle.
History DepartmentCollection
History Collection
Collection Item Data
Accession Number: | H1991.144.a-b |
Accession Date: | 13 Sep 1991 |
Paper | a. Leather, paper b. Leather, metal
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