Skinks of the Perth RegionPhoto Galleries | Updated 6 years ago Broad Banded Skink - Eremiascincus richardsonii (Gray, 1845) Common Dwarf Skink - Menetia greyii Gray 1845 Darling Range Heath Ctenotus - Ctenotus delli Storr 1974 King's Skink - Egernia kingii (Gray, 1838) Southern Five-toed Mulch Skink - Hemiergis initialis initialis (Werner, 1910) Southwestern Crevace Skink - Egernia napoleonis (Gray, 1838) Wall or Fence Skink - Cryptoblepharus buchananii (Gray, 1838) West Coast Ctenotus - Ctenotus fallens Storr, 1974 Western Bobtail - Tiliqua rugosa rugosa (Gray, 1825) To celebrate the release of the brand new iPhone App, Skinks of the Perth Region, we have created this photo gallery which contains a sample of some of the skinks featured in this app. The app can be purchased through iTunes:, alternatively, the book Field Guide to Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth Region is available through the online store.