Marine Life of the Kimberley Region - Montgomery ReefPhoto Galleries | Updated 1 decade ago Streaming through Kimberley WatersPhoto by Clay Bryce Departing reef for next stationPhoto by Clay Bryce Halimeda sp.Photo from WA Museum Montgomery reef at low tidePhoto by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef - forerampPhoto by Clay Bryce Seasnake with jaw fishPhoto by Clay Bryce Kimberley at dawn Station K09/14Image copyright of WA Museum Montgomery Reef - Station K09/14Photo by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Station K09/15Photo by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Station K09/15aPhoto by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Station K09/17Photo by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Station K09/18aPhoto by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Station K09/25Photo by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Station K09/25Photo by Clay Bryce Montgomery Reef Salt water corcodilePhoto by Clay Bryce Montgomery Rhodolith containmentPhoto by Clay Bryce Montgomery tendersPhoto by Clay Bryce RhodolithPhoto by Clay Bryce Rosette OctopusPhoto by Clay Bryce Angler fishPhoto by Clay Bryce Tidal Flow Montgomery ReefPhoto by Clay Bryce The Marine Life of the Kimberley Region is a three-year marine biodiversity research program. This photo gallery was taken in mid-October 2009 and is of Montgomery Reef and surrounding waters.