Pale Rocket Frog

Litoria pallida Davies, Martin & Watson 1983

Species Info Card | Updated 1 decade ago

A medium-sized elongate ground-dwelling frog. It has an elongate, angled head with thin fingers and small discs with webbing at the base and long hindlimbs with toes half-webbed. The colour is a pale grey with distinct stripes on the sides of the head and yellow markings on the thighs. To 4 cm SVL.

Breeding Biology

Males call from open areas close to water; large choruses after good rainfall may contain hundreds of calling males. Females have been found to lay between 96-330 eggs on the surface of temporary water bodies. Tadpoles are brown and reach a length of 5 cm before metamorphosing as early as 5 weeks.


Temporarily flooded grasslands.


pallida refers to the pale appearance of this species.


It is very difficult to distinguish among the calls of all the Rocket Frogs.

Distribution map for Pale Rocket Frog

Kimberley region. Extends to northern NT and Queensland.

A drawn out 'meeep...meeep...meeep' with a waver near the end, with shorter 'chucks' often added at the beginning or end.