Long-footed Frog

Cyclorana longipes Tyler & Martin 1977

Species Info Card | Updated 1 decade ago

A medium-sized (to 5-6 cm) squat burrowing frog. The limbs are short to moderately long with slender fingers and basally webbed toes. The skin is smooth and strikingly marked with large dark brown patches on a pale grey background. Often with a bar behind the eyes and a narrow pale yellow stripe down the back.

Breeding Biology

Breeds after early rains of the wet season in shallow temporary pools. Females lay up to 2000 eggs that sink to the bottom. Tadpoles resemble giant frog tadpoles early in development, and metamorphosis occurs in about 30 days.


Appears to be common across a diverse range of environments and soil types.


longipes means 'long-footed'.


The relationships of the Long-footed Frog to the Daly River Frog (C. maculosa) and the Short-footed frog (C. breviceps) in the NT and Queensland are unresolved.

Distribution map for Long-footed Frog

Kimberley region and surrounding arid region. Also occurs in northern NT and Queensland.

A long loud high-pitched note that rises then falls. Males will call in unison in large choruses.