Kimberley Rocket Frog

Litoria axillaris Doughty 2011

Species Info Card | Updated 1 decade ago

A small (to 25.5 mm SUL), slender hylid ground frog with triangular head, pointed snout, protruding eyes and elongate limbs. The digits have only slightly expanded discs, the toes are half-webbed. The colouration is pale brownish grey with a dark lateral stripe on side of head and sides and two diffuse streaks on the back. The shin is edge with black with diffuse markings on the thighs.

Breeding Biology

Males have been observed calling singly or in pairs. Nothing else known.


The few individuals known have all been observed on sandstone rock platforms.


axillaris refers to the stripe on the sides, as this is absent in the similar Black-shinned Rocket Frog (Litoria tornieri).


This was the fifth new species described in five years from the Kimberley. This was owing to new field expeditions to this remote region in the wet season, when frogs call and are most active.

Distribution map for Kimberley Rocket Frog

Kimberley. Only known from the Prince Regent River Nature Reserve.

Either a repetitive high-pitched call, or a halting intermittent call.