Chirping Froglet

Crinia deserticola (Liem & Ingram 1977)

Species Info Card | Updated 1 decade ago

A small, slender-bodied pale grey species with limbs moderately stout and long. The fingers and toes are long, slender and unwebbed. There are two main dark blotches on the back. Males 13–18 mm S-V.

Breeding Biology

Breeds along creeks and flooded areas after summer rains.


Associated with blacksoil plains and mulga.


deserticola means ‘desert-dweller’.


Distinguished from the Bilingual Froglet (C. bilingua) in having the dorsal pattern disrupted into smaller blotches.

Distribution map for Chirping Froglet

In Western Australia only known from near Lake Argyle, where it just occurs over the NT border. It occurs in arid regions in the Northern Territory and Queensland, extending as far as Townsville to the north-east.

A high-pitched chirping, like a sparrow.