Love is...

Niki Comparti's blog | Created 1 decade ago

Our visitors have been busy this week writing up their thoughts on our Love is... chalkboards.

 A chalk board with visitor reactions to the Unveiled exhibition

Love is... chalk board with visitor comments 

Image copyright WA Museum


Here are some of our favourite responses for today:

Love is... my mother's pancakes, unselfish, that special guy, my husband Peter, my dog

Why get married? I won't marry until we all can...

What's the craziest thing you have done for love? married him, shown up unannounced in the early morning with a bunch of flowers, cleaned up after the dogs.

How has love changed you?  made me more forgiving, gave me patience, more happiness, gave me children, makes me content.

What's the best ingredient for happily ever after? laughter, a variety of delicious cheese, commitment, respect, lots of money!

How do you know it's true love? he kisses you the next morning, 51 years later we're still together, she still gives you pocket money, the butterflies never leave.