Gold from the vault

MuseumExhibitions's blog | Created 1 decade ago

One of our best kept secrets lies under the WA Museum Kalgoorlie-Boulder site. The recently refurbished gold vault provides the first glimpse of things to come with the redevelopment of the mezzanine area due to open early December 2010. Once again our talented exhibition designers used a mixture of application programs to design the layout and graphics for the fit-out. The objects were carefully propped in a secret location by the amazing Shaun Chambers after a new lighting system was installed to enhance the display. Here we have another Google Sketchup © movie that shows the 3d model of the design work. We suggest that you compare the movie to the photos taken by designer Daniel Schoknecht that show the finished installation. The next best thing is to see the exhibit in the flesh. Enter the vault...

14 Oct 2010

Gold from the vault - sketch-up of the vault redevelopment

One of our best kept secrets lies under the WA Museum Kalgoorlie-Boulder site. The recently refurbished gold vault provides the first glimpse of things to come with the redevelopment of the mezzanine area due to open early December 2010. Once again our talented exhibition designers used a mixture of application programs to design the layout and graphics for the fit-out. The objects were carefully propped in a secret location by the amazing Shaun Chambers after a new lighting system was installed to enhance the display.

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Western Australian Museum